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BILEZYME Syrup is a digestive aid primarily used to treat the digestive disorder
and proper digestion of starch or carbohydrate in the die into a simpler form of
sugar l carbohydrate. It is also an appetite stimulant that effectively treats acid
indigestion, flatulence, epigastric distress and eructation. Bilezyme syrup can
also be used to relieve other digestion disorders like pancreatic insufficiency
and abdominal discomfort. Indigestion is the ability to digest the complex form
of food associated with a sour stomach, gas formation with mild discomfort in
the stomach.

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Product Name :Bilezyme

Composition: A Delicious Syrup of fungal diastase and papain with the
additional advantage of saunf, cardamom and cloves.

Uses of BILEZYME : Digestive disorder, Gastric problems, appetite stimulation.

BILEZYME Syrup is a digestive aid primarily used to treat the digestive disorder
and proper digestion of starch or carbohydrate in the die into a simpler form of
sugar l carbohydrate. It is also an appetite stimulant that effectively treats acid
indigestion, flatulence, epigastric distress and eructation. Bilezyme syrup can
also be used to relieve other digestion disorders like pancreatic insufficiency
and abdominal discomfort. Indigestion is the ability to digest the complex form
of food associated with a sour stomach, gas formation with mild discomfort in
the stomach.

BILEZYME Syrup contains diastase and pepsin, these are digestive enzymes.
Diastase is a starch hydrolysing enzyme that breaks down complex
carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates. It promotes digestion in cases of
chronic illness, stomach fullness, flatulence and indigestion. On the other hand,
pepsin is a protein digestive enzyme that helps break down larger protein
molecules into smaller units of protein.

Direction of use: Shake the syrup bottle well before use. Take Bilezyme syrup
after meals with a measuring cup In the dose and duration prescribed by the


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